Monday, 14 December 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Chat

Sick of listening to inbred hicks? Just found a workaround

Basically you go into your Xbox Live profile privacy settings and select "Friends only".

Gonna give it a whirl tonight if anyone is on... wink wink, nudge nudge.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Firmware Updating @ Queen Vic

I dropped my machine off to be updated to iExtreme 1.6 so I can play Wave 3 and 4 games. It's supposed to be ready by Saturday. I'll let everyone know if that ends up being delayed. The guy is charging 45 bucks, same as gamefreaks, but without the train trip into the third circle of hell.


Monday, 7 December 2009

You And Me In Japan, Watch Me Dance

Lip reading can be hard...

Thursday, 3 December 2009

moar dumb text adventure crap

So I made did some fake text adventures on a random forum a while back

Game one
Game two
Game three

...The first one is where the actions at, by the time I got to Game three I had other shit to do, so I stopped bothering.

kill deer

Click on the pic for the full story. One of the best things Rabies has seen all year.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Petition for IW to give us a region filter.

"We, the undersigned international gaming community, demand that Infinity Ward address the needs of their international customers by implementing a REGION FILTER for the ineffectual multiplayer matchmaking system currently in place.

Such a filter is already in place and works beautifully in Call of Duty: World at War (which was produced by Treyarch, not Infinity Ward), so surely such a system could be applied to Modern Warfare 2."


Tuesday, 1 December 2009

3 ways to fail a DUI test.

Phil Lee sent this to me as an .wmv attachment. I genuinely cannot remember that last time someone did that. He's a fucking loose cannon, I tell you.


Following Age's post: epic-ify any youtube video, there's also one to tragify any video.

Enhance That Frame!

Ever wonder how David Caruso's peeps at CSI seem to be able to draw a completely clear image from a low-res, pixelated-as-fuck CCTV video still?

Enhance Enhance Enhance!!!

Matt Damon

For Age. Please pass on to Stefania.

Shivalry and MW2

Full post here - worth a read, Leigh. Just saying.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


So fucking cool.

Almost makes me want to enlist.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! No. I dislike dysentry a great deal, though the haircuts are cool.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


over at sanity.


Guitar hero world tour full band set (drums + guitar + mic): $99

Burnout paradise: $14

Seriously, go buy burnout, its fucking incredible.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Prehistoric Killing Methods In Modern Warfare


And is this the reaction from the kid who got knifed??

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

"That's right, hide behind the big X!"

2 Call of Duty things this morning on Kotaku.

First up - Zombies on the iPhone.

Second, Call of Duty/Saving Private Ryan mashup of sorts:

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Meet Hutch's little friend

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Pet or Die.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Run fer ya life.

Fun game! Your little man runs and ya gotta make him jump... no work will be done by me today.

Friday, 30 October 2009

zomg? good game? wtf?

Dunno if any of you kids watch Good Game (but you should have been, because it was awesome.) Anyway, last week they replaced one of the hosts and since then the internet hate machine has been churning like crazy.

So I've been watching this bubbling away on forums and facebook and all over the place, and its blowing up bigger and bigger. Lo and behold, The Age chimes in today.

For the record, I don't think its necessarily "gender bias" behind this, but it does look like the show is deliberately attempting to attract a wider, perhaps less hardcore gamer audience.

I think its past the point where Junglist can go back to working on the show, as there's been a fair bit of argy bargy in the forums (an entertaining read if you have the time.) Nonetheless, I always found his reviewing to be fantastic, the guy clearly has deep knowledge and love for gaming. The new host has massive shoes to fill, and I'm not sure if I can be bothered watching to see if she's up to the task (last weeks episode was a little meh...)

[edit 2:03 pm]
News ltd piece on the debacle.

Wave for Role Playing Games

Logan suddenly requires an invite to Google Wave...

A friendly reminder.

Ballad of Ghey Tony. Hope to see you Liberty City again my friends.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Monday, 19 October 2009

Slo-mo Running

I love this, people having fun in sloooooomo... Nice track too.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

A Picture Tells A Thousand Stories.

Just released pic from GTA: Ballad Of Gay Tony multiplayer.


Oh yes.

(Click to enlarge)

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Friday, 2 October 2009

Gay Tony Gets Tanked


Check out some of the new carnage causing vehicles avail in The Ballad Of Gay Tony episode of GTAIV.

Top Brands Pour Millions Into In-game Advertising

(Via The Age...)

PLUMMETING prices for video game consoles and the mainstream appeal of today's games have lit a fire under the in-game advertising market, with yearly spending in Australia already estimated to be worth millions.

The total video game industry is already grossing more than box office and DVD sales but when it comes to advertising, gaming continues to languish behind other media.

Initial estimates that the worldwide in-game ad revenue would hit $US2 billion

($A2.3 billion) by next year are now looking over-optimistic, with the market likely to come in at half that by 2013.

Nevertheless blue-chip companies such as 7-Eleven, 20th Century Fox, Lynx, Coca-Cola, Wrigley, Telstra, Kia, Schick, Mitsubishi, Nokia and Intel have all booked Australian campaigns on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms in recent months.

There are no hard figures for the size of the industry but it is thought to come in under $10 million.

Brian Neal, regional sales manager at Massive, said: ''We've had massive amounts of traction in the last two years … Massive initially supported the [Australian] market from the States but we were seeing enough traction here that we decided to move myself down,'' he says.

Neal says there are 650,000 Xbox 360 consoles in Australian households, of which 60 per cent are connected to the internet. A Sony spokeswoman said there were 580,000 PS3 consoles in Australia and 55 per cent were connected to the internet.

The biggest buyer of ad space is not the private sector but government. The Victorian Government's Transport Accident Commission has been running road safety ads in a range of games on the Xbox 360 and PS3 and is the biggest spender.

Jamie Crick, strategic sales and implementation manager at Media Smart, which books ads for the PlayStation 3 and PC, said his network of PS3 titles offered an audience of about 50,000 consoles a month, known as ''impressions''.

''Now that the current generation of consoles have come down to a price that's reasonable for all … I think now is where we're going to see the numbers pick up in terms of uniques,'' says Crick. That is set to open up the elusive 18-to-34-year-old male audience.

In February Nielsen Online found Australians aged over 16 were spending on average 5.4 hours a week playing video games, up from 4.6 hours the previous year. Time spent with TV, radio, newspapers and magazines all dropped.

And, they argue gamers are more likely to engage with the advertising. ''Gaming itself is very much a lean-forward medium - it's not passive like TV or radio where you're likely to be doing something else,'' says Crick.

Since the creative constantly changes, gamers must have their console hooked up to the internet in order to receive the ads, which come in the form of billboards or as deeply integrated objects in the game, such as a logo on the mat in a boxing ring.

Advertisers can even either book ads across the entire network of titles or in specific categories - such as racing games - to target a desired demographic.

But, the industry admits there are still hurdles to widespread adoption by advertisers, the lack of an independent body to calculate audience sizes as well as a standard for measuring results, among them.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Ultimate retro console mod

This is so fucking cool.

Not only does it house 8 working retro consoles, it then projects them onto the wall, "Obi-Wan, you're my only hope" style.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

EA Game Makers Upset Ultimate Fighter Nutjob

Looks like he disagrees with the attributes they assigned to his virtual self...

Status updates from games

Clickz for moar!

Friday, 25 September 2009

Totally New Game To Me...

Blurring The Lines

Gaming has reached a point now where we can enjoy trailers that look like they were for Hollywood blockbusters...

Halo 3 ODST trailer from Francesco on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Left 4 Dead patch

New patch is out. It adds more achievements, but the real goodness is in the increased ability to co-ordinate attacks as special infecteds.

"The most notable content addition is a timer in the Zombie HUD that counts down the special attack recharge of the other infecteds you’re playing with."


Thursday, 10 September 2009

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Girl, You're So Groovy.

I absolutely loved this.

I'm now going to go and pee sitting down.

Girl, You're So Groovy.

For Lester and Logan

This is the recommended supplier for all your chippage needs.

Out past Resevoir, so a small mission is required. Rabies has info that suggests that you can drop it off and return after an hour to pick up.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The Ballad of Gay Tony

They've brought back the parachute. That's enough for me, even without line dancing and a mini-gun toting Little Bird.

Knife throw kills and MP host migration goodness.

I am a little bit excited about this game, I won't lie.

Poor L4D connections - a solution?

Seems that the dedicated server thing is a known problem for L4D players outside of the States.

I did a bit of digging around, and XboxConnect kept springing up as a solution. It is compelling. I just need someone like Leigh to tell me why it won't work, or better yet, install it and make it work.

"XBConnect is software that runs on your PC and will let you play Microsoft Xbox/360 games and Sony PSP games with players from around the world. Imagine plugging your Xbox/360 or PSP into a LAN that went around the planet. Load up Halo, Halo 2, Rainbow Six 3 or any other compatible game and you can play with people all over the world. Thats what we do for you. You dont have to pay for expensive online gaming services anymore. Gone are the days of being stuck with career modes. If you got a PC, broad band internet and a game console, then all you need is XBConnect."

Monday, 31 August 2009

He has eyebrows!

Just like eyebrow dog, this cat has eyebrows.

Monday, 24 August 2009

In reply to the below video.

I may be speechless after that video, but I do have a related picture.

What You Are About To See Cannot Be Unseen

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Nerd Night Mach 2: Version 2.0

6.30pm Saturday 19 September

68 Gladstone Ave Northcote

Vindaroo supplied – munchies and beverages BYO

Required to bring 360, Screen, CoD:WaW, GTA 4, Left 4 Dead, Gears of War 2.

That is all.

Viking Kittens ft. Led Zeppelin

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Xbox Headsets - Bulk buy

Heya kids.

You know the situation, its late at night and you need to chuck the headphones on to keep playing x. But alas, how will you keep chatting to your teammates? Sure, you can chuck your existing headset around your neck and play with the volume to get voice through the headphones, but that don't work so well and you end up having to listen to 13 year old shitheads from the US who are kicking your arse.

In any case, salvation is at hand, I present to you the Turtle Beach Ear Force X1 headset!

So its got a built in headphone amp, connection to your controller for mic and separate volume controls for both voice and game, all powered from a usb port on your xbox.

Anyway, Hutch, myself, and Ben are keen, so if you are too let me know. From Amazon it should work out to around 65 bucks a pop delivered (if I'm buying 3), and it'll probably get (a little) cheaper the more who are on board.

So yeah, lemmie know, I wanna get 'em in the next week so we'll have them for the next nerd night (provisionally scheduled for 19th of Sep)

Gambling monkey is a wise investment

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Operation: Flashpoint

Less running and gunning, and more sneaky sneaky...oh, I'm dead already.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Fight for robot rights, before they do.

Map Pack 3 trailer

Upgrade weapons, teleport to safety, use wind-up explosive monkey dolls.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

The eternal question...

No, the real eternal question, not "when is it ok to ask for a threesome", not "can we please buy a human sized hamster ball", not even "where did all the drugs fucking go?"...the real question:

"What instruments work on what version of Rock Hero Guitar Band?"

It's been answered for you Leigh. Take this link, and copy pasta the shit outta it, until everyone who has asked you has been sated.

How happy?

This happy:

CoD: WaW iPhone app

No no, not an actual game, but stats tracking and the like on your performance in game.

News from Kotaku

App on iTunes

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Tuesday night recurring appointment

For those of you that might not know, young Meatworthington has a designated gaming morning every Saturday, from 10 until roughly 12. Clever man. Fits in with the missus, and ensures that the gaming monster within him is fed on a weekly basis, at the very least.

I'd like to propose something similar - along the lines of a recurring appointment every Tuesday night where we make a little time for ourselves and bond with friends and zombie/horde/bikers (delete as appropriate).

Is this of interest to you? Does Tuesday night work? Is Meatworth making new friends on Live that we should know about? Discuss.

Sent via BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

This is how we drive.

New MW2 video

Yeah, the AC130 killstreak perk is interesting, but the real gold is the tiny clip at very end that shows the fun that can be had with Semtex.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

I miss my zom.

And I miss Frank, the zombie claw-hand that kept me company at the back window of the Fishing Hut.
Sent via Teh Awesome Phonez!!!11!!ONEONEONE!

Monday, 20 July 2009

Eyebrows Dog


Internet FTW.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Jono's standing dogs in Jono's Dog Room.

Magnificent, noble beasts.
Sent via Teh Awesome Phonez!!!11!!ONEONEONE!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Nerd Night Mach 2

Nerd Night, Mach 2
Saturday August 1
68 Gladstone Avenue, Northcote

Bring your Xbox, a screen, all your controllers, and all of your base.

Games to be played:
Call of Duty: World at War
Shi No Numa
Gears of War 2

Dr Mario
Street Fighter 4

An attendee is YOU.

Just because I am always looking for it.

Monday, 6 July 2009

2 Of The Best


Some proof that Leigh's predelicition for shivving pays off:

"...let them approach your window and yank off some boards, and then finish them off with your knife before they can enter the Spawn Room. You have now gained 10 points for each shot on their body, 130 for finishing them with a melee attack, and 10 for each board you repair."

Original article here.

Another tactic to consider:

Rounds 1-4:
Just knife the zombies. It saves you points and isn't exactly difficult. Open the stairs on round 4.

Rounds 5-7:
Everyone should hit the random box as much as they can or until they get good guns. At about round 7, head to the doctors quarters but dont open it. Turn the zipline on (but dont use it yet).

Rounds 8-12:
Stay in the entrance to the doctors quarters. Around round 12 everyone should have plenty of points. Open the doctors quarters and grab whatever perk you can. Then use the zipline to take you up to the main balcony. Have someone covering each window and someone covering the stairs. Also open all the doors when you get the chance.

Rounds 12 onwards:
Now just stay like this, perhaps switching around when ammo becomes an issue. When you need more guns/ammo/perks, just leave a crawler and go to the box (wherever it is).
When you have a dog round, everyone should cover the balcony in bouncing betties and get onto the zipline (but dont use it.) Then just gun the dogs down. When you finally get overwhelmed, just take the zipline down to the doctors quarters and make your last stand in the back room there. Voila!

Voila indeed. Cheese eating surrender monkey.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Team Fortress 2 Kotaku Australia - Friday 8pm

This Friday Kotaku are running a Community Playdate, playing Team Fortress 2.

Here are the awesome videos for TF2, go watch if you haven't seen them:

Now I know for a fact that Mannes and Tzimas have this game - I can get copies for others if they need...Jono, Hutch, Age?
Or are we all going to be out doing real world stuff, like drinking and whoring?

Fair enough.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Friday, 26 June 2009

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Book covers

You've probably all seen these game-cross-book covers before, but the COD4 one is too great not to mention.

Most this fellas work is awesome anyold how:

Set up your easel and take your Rad Away

Awesome paintings of video game places by James Barnett.

Liberty City, City 17, Megaton (pictured) and Team Fortress 2 all make an appearance.

Monday, 22 June 2009

Some stuff from Kotaku

Leigh, this one is for you (in case you missed it in your RSS and this blogs feed):

Make the most of your modded Xbox

For all who loved the Nerf:

Fucking Basic Game That I Can't Master

Jonotaaahn, see the next one and know that he will always be better than you:

Friday, 19 June 2009

The Master List (not for Lester or Logan...yet)

Here is the list of all games I have...available.

Single player
Fallout 3
The Bigs
Mass Effect
Dead Space
Beautiful Katamari
Mirrors Edge

Street Fighter 4
Scene it? Box Office Smash
Gears of War 2
Farcry 2
Madden 09
Resident Evil 5
Mortal Kombat VS DC
Left 4 Dead
Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Skate 2
The Orange Box
Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Secret achievement not so secret.

In the comms room, answer the phone by pressing X three or four times to get the "secret" achievement.

Also, overhead maptastico:

New zombie Achievements

Apparantly there are zombie achievements.

Apparantly this is the list:

1. Secret Achievement
2. Hammer Time - Repair 200 Windows in a Single Nazi Zombie Game.
3. It's a Trap - Kill At least 1 Zombie with 3 diffrent traps in a single round.
4. Weapon of Minor Destruction - Kill no more than 1 zombie with a smart bomb.
5. Perk A Holic - have all 4 perks simultaneously in a single game.
6. Fertilizer Man - Kill 200 zombies in a Single game.
7. Dead Head - Get 150 Headshots in a Single game.
8. Big Baller - Get 75,000 score in a Single game.
9. Big Brawler - Get 10 Zombie Melee Kills in a row before instakill expires.
10. Soul Surviver - Get to round 15 without geting revived.

Apparantly this is a zombie dog:

Monday, 15 June 2009

It's a trap!

Great flickr set:

Wait For The Drooling

Fucking cats acting all Jim Morrison and shit tripping the hell off catnip...

Getting Old Skool

So, as some of you may know I have recently had a tragedy befall me. Anguish, thy name is error message E 74. My dear Sonia has caught the Microsoft version of swine flu and has to be sent in for repairs. This has left me with naught but free browser based flash games. (Sigh). However, I recently had an epiphany: free cure for boredom, thy name is genesis emulator for mac. Not sure why I'm over using the 'thy name is' joke. Must be an outgrowth of the horrid dialogue written by your average flash programmer. Ah, delicious Shining Force II, Phantasy Star IV, and Rolling Thunder III. The emulator is yours free for a month but deletes itself unless you pony up the cash. Not sure how much, I'll tell you in a month.

So now I have the emulator, its time to do a google search to refresh my memory on what 16 bit goodness will be occupying the time I should be spending on schoolwork. And lo and behold I find this:

That's right. A BRAND NEW RPG for the SEGA FUCKING GENESIS. This is not a port, a rehash or a download. This is going to be an honest to goodness cartridge. Copyright 2009 baby. To all those people on the school bus who laughed at me for sticking with SEGA, even through the death throes of the Saturn, I now say TIME HAS TOLD BITCHES! You and your Italian plumber can kiss my grits.

Of course the ultimate irony here is that when my genesis broke down all I had to do was blow in the damn thing and it was all good. Maybe someone is trying to tell me something.

Friday, 12 June 2009

Yes. I am.