So, as some of you may know I have recently had a tragedy befall me. Anguish, thy name is error message E 74. My dear Sonia has caught the Microsoft version of swine flu and has to be sent in for repairs. This has left me with naught but free browser based flash games. (Sigh). However, I recently had an epiphany: free cure for boredom, thy name is genesis emulator for mac. Not sure why I'm over using the 'thy name is' joke. Must be an outgrowth of the horrid dialogue written by your average flash programmer. Ah, delicious Shining Force II, Phantasy Star IV, and Rolling Thunder III. The emulator is yours free for a month but deletes itself unless you pony up the cash. Not sure how much, I'll tell you in a month.
So now I have the emulator, its time to do a google search to refresh my memory on what 16 bit goodness will be occupying the time I should be spending on schoolwork. And lo and behold I find this:
That's right. A BRAND NEW RPG for the SEGA FUCKING GENESIS. This is not a port, a rehash or a download. This is going to be an honest to goodness cartridge. Copyright 2009 baby. To all those people on the school bus who laughed at me for sticking with SEGA, even through the death throes of the Saturn, I now say TIME HAS TOLD BITCHES! You and your Italian plumber can kiss my grits.
Of course the ultimate irony here is that when my genesis broke down all I had to do was blow in the damn thing and it was all good. Maybe someone is trying to tell me something.