Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Buy this:

Indie Air Pack on Steam. $5 for 5 awesome games. I'm particulary interested in getting some 'Plain Sight' multiplayer going on. Actually there's been heaps of goodness on Steam this week, I picked up L4D2 for $5 and a bunch of awesome indie games.

Also, my self imposed November ban on gamage is about to expire. Are people playing the shit out of Call of Duty? If not, why not? I want to multiplayer my way through December and require all of your assistance.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

America's Army Mod

Inception meets MC Escher... absolutely head-fuckery awesomeness.

The first section of the level is a 720 degree circle. It's basically a long hallway curled up into a double-circle-type shape, with the ends connected. Sorta like if you take a rubber band and double it up, except the whole band/hallway takes up the same small area.

The second area is the impossibly long hallway. At first glance it appears that it's just a small room with column in the center. Upon further examination, however, the "hallway" connecting the back of the room is many times longer than could ACTUALLY fit there. Imagine it as "squishing" a hundred feet of hallway into a one-foot space.

The third area is the room in a closet. The closet only appears to be a couple feet deep and wide, however the room inside it is about a hundred feet both ways. Now step into the closet. The room you just walked out of is now contained neatly in the same small area the closet originally occupied.

The fourth area is a long hallway with a small closet at each end. Walking into one closet causes you to walk out of the opposite one. Think of it as a little shortcut.

Monday, 22 November 2010


Predator-dog waits for you.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Epicly great Black Ops ad

Girls with guns + Rolling Stones = Awesome. You know it's true.

Watch Video

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Icelandic Ultra Blue


Anyway Ben, for reference the Gulf War kicked arse, music-of-the-era wise. They Might Be Giants, Midnight Oil, Warrant, Roxette, Sonic Youth, I could go on.

...and I will: Pixies, NWA, Jane's Addiction, Jimmy Barnes, Superchunk, Pet shop boys, Traveling wilburys, Happy Mondays, Buffalo Tom. Anyway, there's heaps.

Bad Company DLC - Vietnam

Has any war had a better soundtrack. Methinks no.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Zombies Ate My Neighbours

ZOMG. Want.

Red Dead Zombies

ZOMG. Want.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

A lesson in Hellfire delivery

Having spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out why the Hellfire missles were so shit, I've now discovered that in fact, I am shit, and the Hellfire missles are awesome.

Best things about this? The chopper gunner can shoot tracer darts if they select the Alt weapon option in the Kit Selection screen, and the tracer darts have no bullet drop. Ridiculous.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

And one more...

This is why I watch football

Friday, 3 September 2010

Hip hop dog

Hiphop dog says "Salsa is for pussies"

All I'm Asking Is Why The Fuck Can't MY Dog Salsa?!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010


Monday, 30 August 2010

Moar chinookery

"Chinook Pinnacle Landing
CH-47D Chinook Helicopter doing an Aft Wheel Pinnacle Landing in the mountains of Afghanistan to pick up some Special Forces Operators."

Ridiculous skill. You get an amazing view of how close the rotors are at about 2minutes.

Friday, 27 August 2010


Yeah, these guys are more hardcore than you.

The sheriff of Armadillo

As in a sheriff made of Armadillo... or something like that.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Lester, Your Dreams Have Come True

This here is the "Land Shark Gun" from Armed and Dangerous...

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Monday, 2 August 2010

'Oldschool' games

Digital artist junkboy has made a bunch of 'screenshots' of modern games as if they were made back in the day. I absolutely love this SCUMM version of Brutal Legend.



Red Dead Redemption Rank 50

You know that final unlockable Mount in Red Dead that looks mysteriously like a donkey?

One can only hope...

And the winner is...

Monday, 26 July 2010

You Better Make Damn Sure The Bad Guy Isn't You

and the slicker version!...

Red Dead Inception

Dream within the dream, gringo.

Lester, Leigh, you have my eternal gratitude.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Hey Mike, have you got any Italian in you?

Would you like some?

This is for Age:

Full story here and here. Basically, you get to try and recreate Jordan's greatest moments. This might be the first bball game I actually get into...

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Monday, 19 July 2010


A follow up to this. A single manly tear rolled down my cheek as I watched this.

Read Dead Time Lapse.

Some dudes took screen shots of a 24 hour cycle of the game's screensaver. Apparently if you leave red dead long enough it goes into scenery mode.

Blood In West Elizabeth

So I got into a bit of a spat in Blackwater the other night. Was minding my own business searching for Prairie Poppies (no homo) and this gringo Jarrad decided to start blazing away. We went back and forth a few times using the houses for cover. I lucked out and found a Rolling Block sniper rifle on a porch and then high-tailed it up the mountain into tree cover. It looked like Jarrad was holed up on a porch on the other side of town. At this point we commenced to have a sniper war that would last for a good 30 minutes or so. As you all know, I am a champion camper. Shiiieeeeeeeet, I have NO shame and a fuck load of patience. Poor Jarrad would soon learn about this the hard way... repeatedly.

After being maximum owned to breaking point, he quit the game. I later got sent this. Delicious validation of ownage...

Friday, 16 July 2010

Marmot eating a biscuit.

That is all

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Mexican Ragee Pincushion.

Sent via BlackBerry®

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Alligator, know your place.

Dutch Rage Foot

Lobster Rage Fist

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Monday, 21 June 2010

Friday, 18 June 2010

Marvel Vs Capcom 3

I lost so many dollars in Box Hill to Marvel Vs Capsom 2 while I sipped my bubble tea back in the day. Awesome trailer.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Lego Sniper Rifle

I hate it when get a lego piece in the head from no where.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Monday, 24 May 2010

Little Dog

This thing is freaking amazing. I imagine that these would be released from the Big Dog's undercarridge as some sort of recon drone seeking for human resistance settlements.

Another Big Dog update: DARPA has asked for a bigger Big Dog. This artist's impression looks like its about the size of a building (or several buildings). Also this is meant to be finished in 2012, which is when either a New World Order begins and the universe collapses.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Equation for awesome: The word MEGA + predatory animal = Cinematic masterpiece

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Red Dead Redemption

Its out this Friday and I'm actually pretty excited about this one.
Watch this gameplay vid, probably with the sound off cos the guys in it sound like douches. There's something about the shakey cam that makes it feel all the more seedy.

Friday, 14 May 2010

The Vader Project

This reminds me of Lester's skull project, only it involves Darth Vader, and is therefore superior.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Onslaught mode - BF:BC2 gets some co-op action on.

It sounds awesome.

Screenshot is semi-related. There might even be some lame jokes about "hanging around" or "winging it" to be had there, but I won't touch it.

The bit you should not miss is below - click on the links above to get a slightly more wordy PR-treated set of info.

"Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Onslaught mode can be played with up to four players across four multiplayer maps – Valparaiso, Atacama Desert, Isla Inocentes, and Nelson Bay – redesigned with new lighting, time of day, added vehicles and other effects. Each map has a dedicated gameplay focus, requiring different levels of teamwork in order to complete the objectives against an onslaught of enemy AI. Vehicle warfare comes to the forefront in Atacama Desert while Nelson Bay focuses squarely on infantry assault. Players can compete in squads and check individual progress via the dedicated Onslaught leaderboards."

Free portal!

Yep, free until may 24th.

So if you don't already have it, get downloadin' already.

(link to download Portal on PC or MAC)

Monday, 10 May 2010

Time 100

I'm sure we all read Penny Arcade time to time and some of your already probably know this, but the Penny Arcade dudes made it into the Time 100 most influential peoples list. I think this is fuckin awesome.

Video from Penny Arcade guys

Time 100

Saturday, 8 May 2010

"Freeballin' in the hot spring"

Sent via BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Thursday, 6 May 2010


Gentlemen, we must see this.

It's *sniff* beautiful.

It brings a tear to my eye to see these robots working so hard to bring us well organised salami. Though I'm guessing it's only a matter of time until those little salami's are human children being fed into a furnace to power the Killbot 3000 - who's sole purpose destroy all humans and is powered by human corpses.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Monday, 3 May 2010

Rabies union Rabies = Rabies

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Four dead on the left.

No wait... I fucked that up.

Pre-owned copies of Left 4 Dead are $33 at EB

Here is where you can get it.

You should probably call and make sure they have a copy before you wander in there. But in there you should indeed wander, and purchase. For this is an excellent game.

Friday, 30 April 2010

You'll need this for protection.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

I want the blood.

Little Boy Heroically Shoots, Mutilates Burglar

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Abed from Community

You should be watching this show.

Puny human

Stephen Hawking reckons that we're not being pessimistic to think aliens will come and fuck us up. In fact, perhaps we should prepare for our new Morbo Overlords. (Via www.io9.com)

Saturday, 24 April 2010

BF:BC2 videos

First up, a montage of some guy absolutely smashing people. Any video that combines smashing people with A-Punk's Vampire Weekend deserves some credit.

The next 2 are a bit different. I can't decide if the music is meant to be ironic or not, and the photo of the horse at the end of each confuses me even further. Great tactics though - very CaptainCasbah.


Friday, 23 April 2010

Thursday, 22 April 2010

No hang on, what the fuck is going on here?

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


The site is now wider for your youtube viewing pleasure.

don't be a fucking n00b

Excellent advice here:

Watch on youtube

Also, 12 x C4 + MCOM station = win. Less C4 required if you've got damage perk things going on. I'm enthused by this concept.

PROTIP: get everyone to throw a shittonne of C4 on the recon chopper then fly it into the mcom for max hilarity.

BF:BC 2 - the things I have learned.

  • Dr Meatworth is the only player who ever gets to use the remote controlled UAV/helicopter.
  • Crashing a Blackhawk directly onto Hutch will not kill him.
  • You can kill an enemy by using the Engineer drill on their head - The Dentist Achievement. As much as I want this, it's really quite creepy.
  • You can kill an enemy with the Medic's defibrillator kit. Normally directly after you have revived Hutch again and haven't had time to get your gun out.
  • Dog Tags are collected by knifing enemies:
    : Knife kill a player with a ranking from 1-21.
    : Knife kill a player with a ranking from 22-45.
    : Knife kill a player with a ranking from 46-50.
  • You cannot collect the ears of dead enemies (is this a bug?)

  • HorsePuncher is going to lose his shit when he realises we can ride into battle, in tandem, on a Jet Ski.

  • The game is not fun without friends in your squad, or a half decent squad.

  • The game is unbelievably awesome and covered in molten fucking win if you are playing with friends.

  • Everyone is shit with the minigun on the Blackhawk.

  • As an engineer you can sit in the passenger seat of the Blackhawk and repair whilst in mid-flight. It's not easy, but it is doable. Considering that you can't fucking use the minigun, the least you could do is fix my chopper while I fly around like a legend giving you firing solutions we all know you won't take.

  • CaptainCasbah will be promoted faster because of his name. It's the Major Major Effect.

  • Rabies should never have told RageeAgee that he would not like this game. Rabies is sorry. Rabies was wrong. RageeAgee will love this game. It's the first person shooter he has been dreaming of. Sit on a hill a mile away sniping enemies while dressed in a Ghillie suit you say? Oh look, you've unlocked a fucking mortar strike. Hide in the bush - kill from afar. No Thin Red Line moment for you.

Two blurs, both awesome.

So have any of you dang fools played the Blur beta yet?

Because you should totally download it, its very very good, and I want to drive and shoot you people. The description I keep seeing of "Mario Kart for adults" certainly seems apt, I'm just not convinced Mario Kart isn't for adults...

In other news, NEW BLUR SONG.


Thursday, 15 April 2010

Interested anyone?

New Battlefield, $55, EB Games. 4 days only.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Friday, 9 April 2010

Red Dead Gang Bidnez

I know most of you probably check out Kotaku on a regular basis (and if you don't- you should), but still gonna share this Red Dead Redemption vid. So much excited for this game and looking forward to some GTA style gang bidznez minus bikes and plus horses, which can only be a good thing. Also, they better have an unlockable unicorn or something.


Thursday, 8 April 2010

Awesome bin


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Man up and buy it you softcocks

It's fucking crazy cheap. Sighted at EB on Swanston st.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


I haven't seen Scarface yet, but I don't know its got alot to live up to after watching this.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Friday, 26 March 2010

Bulk Buy - Bad Company 2

So, who is keen to do a bulk buy for Bad Company 2. As in, we all commit to purchasing the game, then one of us goes and talks to retailers/distributors/whoever will talk to us and say "Oh hi, I want x copies of this game and will buy it from whoever is gonna sell it cheapest"

Then we maybe save a bit of money, and we all end up shooting each other from helicopters for great justice.

So, who's in?

(I'm gonna guess and say: Me, Meatworth, Rabies, Age, Mantooth, Horse Puncher, and maybe Teh Hutch)

(btw, this is the way we should be procuring all our games...)

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Taking it to the streets

Should this thing become public? Its not like there's any private info being thrown around on it.

Means I'd be able to grab the RSS feed easier.

Also, we definitely need to set up a few extra users on here (the likes of SirMagnumPI, bookiegnu etc.)

ALSO: goddamn I wish the comments were displayed better.

Holy crap! Cheap shit at JB!

Guitar hero games for $45, goddamn, looks like I might have to pony up some cash.

So... trade in time?

I must have missed this the other week.

1400 points for the MW2 map pack?

That's like $23 bucks. For some maps. Only 3 of them are new.

...and there's no zombies.

Ha Ha, fuck that shit.

Who's coming with me to trade in and pick up Bad Company 2?

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

I'm the goddamn Catman.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Breaking and Entering 2.0

Lucky I never leave my house... or Twittererer


Deadliest creature ever. Incredible. If only it had some trex in it too.


Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Red Dead Redemption

If you haven't already been keeping track of this, you should be:


Also, who else is getting Red Faction for $24 delievered to your door with a blowjob?

"...ignoring all the pricks milling around behind me."


And this is the text under the record cover...

Just A Dog Making A Phone Call

That is all.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Don't Fight It

Monday, 1 February 2010

See Spot Run!

Hand Ninja Kicks Ass!

This girl does the entire Tae Kwon Do White Belt test plus a professional wrestling match…with her hand. There are also some push-ups and sit-ups in there, just to show off. WIN.

Smily dog.

He smiles! He must be eyebrow dogs friend.

Monday, 25 January 2010

I'd rather buy the Scotch Tape then..


Thursday, 14 January 2010

Home of the Gods / Mana Bar

Read this:

The Home Of The Gods Part 1

Then read this:

The Home Of The Gods Part 2

Now go here:

Mana Bar

When are we going to Brisneyland?

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Monday, 11 January 2010