Friday, 30 April 2010

You'll need this for protection.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

I want the blood.

Little Boy Heroically Shoots, Mutilates Burglar

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Abed from Community

You should be watching this show.

Puny human

Stephen Hawking reckons that we're not being pessimistic to think aliens will come and fuck us up. In fact, perhaps we should prepare for our new Morbo Overlords. (Via

Saturday, 24 April 2010

BF:BC2 videos

First up, a montage of some guy absolutely smashing people. Any video that combines smashing people with A-Punk's Vampire Weekend deserves some credit.

The next 2 are a bit different. I can't decide if the music is meant to be ironic or not, and the photo of the horse at the end of each confuses me even further. Great tactics though - very CaptainCasbah.


Friday, 23 April 2010

Thursday, 22 April 2010

No hang on, what the fuck is going on here?

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


The site is now wider for your youtube viewing pleasure.

don't be a fucking n00b

Excellent advice here:

Watch on youtube

Also, 12 x C4 + MCOM station = win. Less C4 required if you've got damage perk things going on. I'm enthused by this concept.

PROTIP: get everyone to throw a shittonne of C4 on the recon chopper then fly it into the mcom for max hilarity.

BF:BC 2 - the things I have learned.

  • Dr Meatworth is the only player who ever gets to use the remote controlled UAV/helicopter.
  • Crashing a Blackhawk directly onto Hutch will not kill him.
  • You can kill an enemy by using the Engineer drill on their head - The Dentist Achievement. As much as I want this, it's really quite creepy.
  • You can kill an enemy with the Medic's defibrillator kit. Normally directly after you have revived Hutch again and haven't had time to get your gun out.
  • Dog Tags are collected by knifing enemies:
    : Knife kill a player with a ranking from 1-21.
    : Knife kill a player with a ranking from 22-45.
    : Knife kill a player with a ranking from 46-50.
  • You cannot collect the ears of dead enemies (is this a bug?)

  • HorsePuncher is going to lose his shit when he realises we can ride into battle, in tandem, on a Jet Ski.

  • The game is not fun without friends in your squad, or a half decent squad.

  • The game is unbelievably awesome and covered in molten fucking win if you are playing with friends.

  • Everyone is shit with the minigun on the Blackhawk.

  • As an engineer you can sit in the passenger seat of the Blackhawk and repair whilst in mid-flight. It's not easy, but it is doable. Considering that you can't fucking use the minigun, the least you could do is fix my chopper while I fly around like a legend giving you firing solutions we all know you won't take.

  • CaptainCasbah will be promoted faster because of his name. It's the Major Major Effect.

  • Rabies should never have told RageeAgee that he would not like this game. Rabies is sorry. Rabies was wrong. RageeAgee will love this game. It's the first person shooter he has been dreaming of. Sit on a hill a mile away sniping enemies while dressed in a Ghillie suit you say? Oh look, you've unlocked a fucking mortar strike. Hide in the bush - kill from afar. No Thin Red Line moment for you.

Two blurs, both awesome.

So have any of you dang fools played the Blur beta yet?

Because you should totally download it, its very very good, and I want to drive and shoot you people. The description I keep seeing of "Mario Kart for adults" certainly seems apt, I'm just not convinced Mario Kart isn't for adults...

In other news, NEW BLUR SONG.


Thursday, 15 April 2010

Interested anyone?

New Battlefield, $55, EB Games. 4 days only.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Friday, 9 April 2010

Red Dead Gang Bidnez

I know most of you probably check out Kotaku on a regular basis (and if you don't- you should), but still gonna share this Red Dead Redemption vid. So much excited for this game and looking forward to some GTA style gang bidznez minus bikes and plus horses, which can only be a good thing. Also, they better have an unlockable unicorn or something.


Thursday, 8 April 2010

Awesome bin


Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Man up and buy it you softcocks

It's fucking crazy cheap. Sighted at EB on Swanston st.